Be a part of this community that promotes your success

Bany Al-Amaal Community

Diverse services and unlimited business opportunities, along with a vast network of traders, manufacturers, investors, service providers, and employees

your challenges and problems

We know the problems and challenges you are facing

Experts and a clear path

You find no one to guide you and help you define a clear path for yourself, and there are no experts around you to provide solutions for the problems and challenges of your project.

Certified and guaranteed providers

You face difficulty in finding reliable and guaranteed service or product providers who offer high quality, thus wasting your time and ending up with unsatisfactory services

Everything you need in one place

You won't find a business gathering that brings together the best services, business opportunities, training, and discussion, and provides you with reliable sources for raw materials and excellent goods, in addition to the opportunity to expand your network of relationships and increase the distribution of your goods and services

In Bany community, we have created the solution for you

A quick glance at some of the solutions we offer in the Bani community


With your subscription, you will have a consultation with a specialist to help you define your path or launch or develop your project. You can also add any inquiry in a Q&A group, where you can interact with experts in the fields of commerce, industry, economy, and investment, and get answers and solutions for the challenges of your project


Diverse and certified services that meet your needs and include everything you require, with a guarantee of quality and commitment to deadlines through our certified and reliable service providers, providing an additional layer of security for community members


Regular live visual and audio sessions (events) where experts from various fields participate to discuss important topics such as marketing, project establishment, and market trends


A wide range of workshops covering all aspects of commercial and industrial projects, starting from their establishment, through their development, to marketing them and improving their sales, to empower community members and equip them with business expertise and skills


Interpreting contracts, agreements, and partnerships can lead to disputes due to differing viewpoints. Therefore, we provide you with the necessary support to minimize differences, and we offer a panel of specialists in the commercial and legal fields to resolve these disputes and settle disagreements in a fair and equitable manner


We still have more to offer in Bani, including meetings, business trips, economic reports, camps, management models, specialized newsletters, and preparing projects to be presented to investors to obtain the necessary funding for their projects

Some of what has been said about the Bany community

Over 1K+ Entrepreneurs, business owners, manufacturers, and investors are happy in the Bany Business Community

Bany packages

Bany Community Membership

Monthly Package
19$ / Monthly
Semi-Annual Package
109$ / Semi-Annually
Annual Package
190$ / Annually

Be part of the community that enhances your success

You are the fundamental pillar of everything we do. We are here to provide you with the support and assistance you need to achieve your goals. Everything we offer is specifically designed to meet your needs and aspirations


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bany Community and what are its goals
"Bany Community is a platform that brings together traders, manufacturers, investors, and employees with the goal of providing support and encouragement to its members in achieving their objectives, expanding their business networks, and developing their projects. The community aims to enhance interaction and collaboration among its members, fostering the exchange of ideas and experiences, and providing resources, workshops, consultations, and services.
What will I gain through my membership in the Bany Community?
Bany Community membership offers numerous benefits, including services to enhance your project, networking with other professionals in your field, and access to diverse and valuable resources for your project or business. There are two types of memberships: Starter and Business, which you can choose based on your needs. You can also experience the community for a free 15-day trial.
How can I access the accredited services and how do I get in touch with the providers of these services?
In the community, there is a dedicated directory of accredited service providers. You can search for the service provider you need, review their portfolio, and access all their details. You can communicate and chat with them directly. Upon signing the contract, we send you Bany's account number as a guarantee. The payment will only be transferred after you receive the service according to the agreed terms in the contract between you and the service provider. If the provider breaches the agreement, you can file a complaint, and we will review the issue and resolve the dispute.
How can I become an accredited provider?
Fill out this form, and the Bany team will get in touch with you. If you meet the criteria, you will be accredited and can start offering your services.v
What is Directional Consulting?
Once you subscribe to any paid package, you will receive a form to fill out, specifying the issues you are facing. A scheduled appointment will then be arranged with one of our specialized consultants. They will assist you in eliminating your distractions and guiding you in the right direction, whether you already have a project or are still in the planning phase.
How do I add any issues I have with my project?
In the Q&A group, you can post your problem, and community members will offer advice and answers to your questions or issues. You can also browse through other questions and answers posted in the group.
How do I find out the schedule for live broadcasts?
In every space within the community, there is a button to click on. Choose 'Interested,' and you will receive reminder messages before and during the live session. Additionally, you can click 'Add to Calendar' to add the event to your calendar for alerts. If you are browsing the community during the live broadcast, you will receive notifications. Also, when activated, a live session notification will appear, allowing you to join.
How can I rewatch previous live sessions?
If you are a subscriber to a package, you can revisit any previous live session at any time through the Recorded Spaces group.

If you have any unanswered questions, click on the link to view all the questions or contact us, and we will be happy to respond to your inquiry.

contact us

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